How To Calculate The Diameter Of The Ball Mill Grindinggrinding E

Size diameter of a ball mill. the principles to be followed to determine the diameter of the grinding is: should be able to choose the maximum feed size of materials for grinding; according to mill construction, grinding material properties Crusher Machine and operating conditions to determine … grinding efficiency of the mill size and power consumption, the grinding media and liner wear have a great relationship
Size diameter of a ball mill. the principles to be followed to determine the diameter of the grinding is: should be able to choose the maximum feed size of materials for grinding; according to mill construction, grinding material properties and operating conditions to determine the size of the grinding bodies.
In a ball mill grinding process, the first position into the material particle size is large, the main resistance to impact; when access to other positions, due to the reduced size between the materials, mainly exposed to grinding force. according to this theory can determine the diameter of the grinding media, so that the mill in top working condition, give full play to the role of abrasive material.
When grinding in the best condition, size, impact and grinding force particle size and material related to the material needs of large particles have a greater impact, small particles of the material requires less grinding force. impact grinding force is proportional to the quality Portable Crusher and size of the grinding media, that is proportional to the square three times the diameter of the milling body.
Grinding diameter Mobile Crusher can be calculated as follows:
Where d is the maximum diameter of the grinding media (mm); f80 is the material dimension mill by 80% when the (um); k is a constant, on a dry ball mill to take 335; wi is feeding power bond act index (kwh / t); cs than the actual speed mill and critical speed of (%); d is the effective diameter of the mill (m); s is the material density (t / m).
According grinding diameter is calculated on the actual value is very close. in practice, the grinding will suffer some wear, the diameter decreases, so the need to add the proper screening grinding, due to the number of grinding diameter than the calculated value is generally complementary bigger. in short, we must be practical, and the calculated value is appropriately selected grinding diameter.
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