Zero Risk To Buy A Used Excavator Should Be Noted That Out Of The

To avoid risks when buying a used excavator, the first should get out of some erroneous understanding. in the case of purchase reason is that you avoid regret afterwards prerequisites. because there are many used excavators purchase channels, Crusher Machine how to buy a used excavator fraud prevention has become a serious topic.
Recognize the above points can greatly reduce risk when buying a used excavator, used excavators become investment up to people.
In recent years, the popular second-hand excavator market reflects the domestic demand for used construction machinery is gradually increasing, including carter, including many heavy industries turned their eyes set on the secondary market, then how can you buy in the secondary market to a better second-hand excavator it?
First, before buying a used excavators. you have to be one pair excavator has a very deep understanding of the customer. through visual, hearing, personally driving to identify differences in performance excavators. here refers to a visual observation post by the engine and start the machine manifested surface conditions and the like; ear generally refers to distinguish the sound of the engine is faulty, etc; hands-on through a variety of circumstances in actual construction simulation . the best friends are not familiar with the excavator can find a professional who escorted.
Buy second-hand excavator should pay attention to the following four major typical errors:
Good face, good competition, not actuarial return
Some digging Mobile Crusher machine when the user buy the machine, always want to buy the best, but did not calculate whether purchased in a short excavator
Not considering the purchase of equipment suitability and cost ratio
Engaged according to the nature of the project, such as earthwork or stonework to determine the applicable brand integrated to prevent upside down, the cost of waste.
Only to see the value of physical equipment, ignoring the value of intangible agents services
In the choice of second-hand excavators, the focus on price, ignoring service.
Are attracted relatively low barriers to entry, while ignoring the latter part of the device and the operating costs and to pay profit
Buy cheap machines, but due to the limited Portable Crusher capacity of the machine itself, resulting in cost can not be recovered and lengthened and other consequences caused by the construction period.
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