The Development Of The Bohai Sea Region Will Be Three Large Urban

Yang weimin national development and reform commission, said after the priority development of three large urban agglomerations namely bohai sea region (including beijing, tianjin, liaoning and shandong peninsula south), yangtze river delta and pearl river delta region; focus on the development of eight large urban agglomeration.
The day before yesterday, in the chinese development foundation at the ‘china development report 2010′ conference, as one writer yang weimin, the report said that the direction of the city to go to urban agglomeration as the main form of urbanization, china is no way to go decentralized urbanization. previously, china has been advo SBM ing the ‘urbanization’, ‘urbanization’ was significant change compared with the previous there.
Yang weimin said that the future can be large urban agglomerations, metropolitan, other urbanized areas (metropolitan area, metropolitan, urban zone), border city, punctate distribution of medium and small cities and small towns in the urban spatial layout five reasons to implement a differentiated approach to urbanization.
Yangweimin expected five urban space can focus on the future of the urban population of about 1 billion, to meet the basic needs of the urban space by 2030 china’s population reached a peak value of 1.46 billion, urbanization reached 65%.
Build china’s future, ‘two vertical and three Crusher Machine horizontal’
When talking about china’s future urban layout, explained yang weimin, china’s future to build ‘two vertical and three horizontal’ strategic pattern of urbanization: ‘two horizontal’ refers to the eurasian continental bridge channel and along the yangtze river channel two horizontal ; ‘three vertical’ refers to the coast, the beijing-guangzhou and beijing-harbin queensland channel package, ‘which almost all provinces in china except tibet.’
Yang weimin said, vigorously develop small towns formulation is problematic. only the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta region of small towns as in big cities bear particular service that provides jobs, attractive fishes native Portable Crusher population, and most small towns can not afford the big city specific service, failed to attract foreign population force.
Bohai pearl river Cone Crusher delta yangtze river delta region
Ha long area in southern fujian jianghuai central plains region of the middle yangtze river region guanzhong plain, chengdu and chongqing to the northern gulf region
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